Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Grace Overflowing

***Warning, there is some race related language in this post, but it is used to make a point***

As you may already know, this Saturday, May 5th West Greenway Bible Church will be showing The Grace Card at 6:00 PM.  This is a movie that will hit you hard in regards to your relationships with other people.  It is a movie that will challenge the way that you look at other people.  

As you may have guessed the title is a play on words.  The movie challenges us to play the 'grace card' instead of the 'race card'.  You may be thinking to yourself, "I'm not racist" and or "I don't know anyone who is racist'.  The reason for this is that in Phoenix you will primarily hear the word nigger only in rap songs or kids trying to act like gangsters.  But, that doesn't mean that you don't know someone that acts differently to those with darker skin tones than his or her own.  What about when someone uses the slurs wetback, spic, gringo, cracker?  Are those less hateful?  Or, what about when you see some Hispanic men standing outside a Home Depot looking for work?  Do you automatically think illegal?  When the topic of immigration is brought up what does the heart of your speech sound like?  What about those you converse with?  Even if you don't speak hatred, are you willing to take a stand against it when family or friends speak out in hatred?  The Grace Card is just as relevant here as it is in Mississippi, if not more.

This movie will challenge you to look deep inside yourself.  Remember, Jesus said that it is not what goes into a man's mouth, but what comes out of it that makes him unclean (Mat. 15:17-20).  Or remember that Jesus said during the Sermon on the Mount that those who speak with hatred to others are guilty of murder in their heart.  Let us not forget that anger is a poison.  It can only be sucked out by the power of GRACE and FORGIVENESS.  All are created in the image of God and Christ came to save all.  So, come see the movie and learn to both give and receive THE GRACE CARD.

And Remember:
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world

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