Monday, March 30, 2015

Time Out

Haven't blogged in awhile.  That's a combination of being busy and/or not having anything worth writing about while I had time.  However, that changed the other day while I was working with Sophia to clean up after herself.

It began with a her crayons spilled all over the living room floor.  She didn't want to put them away like I asked her.  I gave her until the count of three or it was timeout.  As you've guessed she ended up in timeout. When she came back to the mess she still did not want to clean up the mess.

As a result, she ended up in timeout a few times.  Finally, I sat in the recliner while she sat on the floor surrounded by crayons and I told her, "We aren't going to do anything else until you clean up the crayons on the floor Sophia.  Now do you need another timeout or will you pick up your crayons."

After this she finally relented and cleaned up her mess of crayons.  While she did cleaned our Heavenly Father had a talk with me.  I was reminded that sometimes when if feels like life isn't moving forward or we are stuck in a rut it is for a reason.  We may be acting in a disobedient manner and not repenting of a specific sin.  It could be that we  are refusing to deal with emotions correctly.  It could even be that we are not submitting to God's plan for our life.

No matter what the issue is, our Father is saying you aren't moving forward to do anything else until we deal with this issue.  Just like I can out wait my darling Sophia, God can out wait us.  So if you feel like you are stuck in a rut/life isn't what you thought it to God about it.  Ask Him if you are in timeout and why.  Then you can get back to enjoying God, others, and life in general.

P.S.  Don't forget to color something (even without a kid) because it is still fun and relaxing! :-)