Monday, August 11, 2014

R.I.P. Makes No Logical Sense

Whenever a famous person dies, Robin Williams being the most recent, my Facebook newsfeed blows up with statements like R.I.P. ____________.  However, it makes no sense to say Rest In Peace no matter what your worldview happens to be.  Let me break down my reasoning.

First, if you are a Christian like me than you should already know that there are only two options.

  1. You believe that the person who died was a believer in Jesus Christ.  As a result, it is assumed that person will enter into paradise/heaven and be not just at peace, but he/she will be rejoicing forever in God's presence.
  2. You believe that the person is not a follower of Christ.  As a result, that person will experience everlasting torment because they are forever separated from the grace of God.  This is a sad moment and in this life I do not rejoice over anyone who has failed to turn to God.  But it is truth that this person will in fact Not Rest In Peace.

Second, if you are a Spiritualist / New Age in your personal philosophy then everyone just becomes one with the great spirit in the sky and you loose all sense of your individuality.  As a result, you do Not Rest In Peace.  You no longer exist as an individual anymore.

Third, if you are an Atheist, as it seems Robin Williams was, then you believe you cease to exist.  It's not even like you went to sleep without waking up.  Because sleep means you have the chance to dream.  Everything you were becomes dust and forgotten.

If in fact Robin Williams was an Atheist I believe that he has now become a Theist: For every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.  Sadly, it is to late for him if this is true.  I hope it is not.  But if it is true he is Not Resting In Peace.  Instead, he is experiencing the absence of the grace of God.  If you want a picture of what that looks like rent the movie What Dreams May Come starring Robin Williams.  It has horrible theology and is filled with syncretism.  Worldviews mashed up together as many in America do daily, not knowing how they contradict one another.

In the movie Williams character is traveling through hell to try and find his wife who went there because she committed suicide (Not an unpardonable sin as this movie states).  He is trying to retrieve her.  However, she is lost in a world of grey and black depression.  Everything is hopeless.  Hope is not even a word in her vocabulary.  She is lost in misery and regret.  That is an accurate depiction of what hell could be like.

So I want to encourage you to take this time to think about life and death.  It will certainly come for you whether you like it or not.  Think through it logically.  If I am wrong then I am surprised that we don't see suicide as a common thing because of all the emotional and physical suffering that happens in this world.  If instead I am right about Jesus and life after death, then I encourage you to start asking questions about God.  It can't hurt you.  Because in the end you, me, and even famous entertainers such as Robin Williams will be forgotten eventually (and sooner then you may think).

I dare you to ask me about the hope that I have in me and why I believe that I will do more than just Rest In Peace when I leave this world behind.

I hope that I am wrong and that at one point in his life he did cry out to God for salvation but slid away from Him because Satan got a hold of him through depression. However, we live in a world where everyone wants to believe that everyone is going to have a happy afterlife Christians included. My point is that not everyone will. We sing songs about our faith and how 'when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be.' Well for some it will be a day of mourning. That is why it does grieve me whenever I hear that someone has died without Christ. That goes for both Williams and the latest inmate to die on death row. For we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and we all need the Christ as our Savior. So my hope in pointing this out with a real person is that this will become more real to people. My prayers are with his family and friends. May they reach out to Christ and I hope that the Church will reach out in love to them as His arms and feet! Lastly, I am sorry if I came across with no heart for the man and his loved ones.

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