What will be chronicled here is the journey that I take on my romantic relationship with God. The insights that he shares with me and those around me. It will include the good, bad, and the ugly. It is my prayer that anyone who reads any of the posts to follow will be able to learn from the mistakes I have made, will make, and apply it to his or her relationship with Jesus. Also, as I go I will be making comparisons between my relationship with God and with my beautiful bride Jenny. After all, they are both romances so they should be able to be parallels between the two.
So I'll leave you for now by stating if your vertical relationship isn't right (with God), you have no reason to expect your horizontal relationships (with people) to be right. I hope to hear your thoughts about what you read here whether you agree with me or disagree. And with your permission I may even blog about some of the responses. If you don't want to comment here, you can on my facebook profile or email me at jacks_over_here@usa.com or jackfarris@westgreenway.com
I look forward to starting this journey with you.